Q. Do I have to publicly advertise my Infinite Discs Mystery Challenge?

No. If you want to just run a mystery challenge with a group of friends you can do so, but the minimum packet order size is 10.  The checkout field does require that something be input in the “registration field.” Simply enter private if you do not want your challenge to be advertised.

Q. How Many Rounds is an Infinite Discs Mystery Challenge?

The choice is the TD’s. We recommend 18 holes for a Mystery Challenge.

Q. These Prices are so good for discs, can I buy them without actually running a Mystery Challenge? 

No. Mystery Challenges packs are only for those intending to run an Infinite Discs Mystery Challenge. If you just want Mystery Discs, we have a large selection of Mystery lots available for sale here.

Q. What Kind of plastic types are the discs included in the Mystery Challenge player packs?

All midrange and drivers are at least mid grade plastic quality. Most (but not all) putters will be in a base plastic.

Q. Can I add payout to my Mystery Challenge?

Yes.  As TD You can do whatever you want but we recommend keeping this a fun, low cost, semi-casual event.

Q. How long does it take to get player packs?
We recommend ordering your player pack at least one week before your event. The earlier the better, especially if you want the least expensive shipping option.

Q. Who do I contact if I have issues with my player pack or Mystery Challenge?

Email events@infinitediscgolf.com. For urgent matters you can call Infinite Discs support (435) 754-7424

Q. What is your return and refund policy? 

See full details HERE